PK Max Consulting


Company Formation

However, starting a business requires a solid understanding of the legal support needed to establish a company. In this article, we will explore the key legal aspects that entrepreneurs should consider when forming a company in the United States.

1. Types of Companies:

In the United States, there are several types of common business entities, each with its own advantages and legal requirements. The most frequent types are:

a) Limited Liability Company (LLC): An LLC offers limited liability to its members, meaning that the owners are not personally liable for the company’s debts. This type of entity is flexible in terms of taxes and administration.


b) C Corporation: A C corporation is an entity legally independent of its owners, meaning that the liability of shareholders is limited to the amount of their investment in shares. Additionally, the C corporation pays taxes on its profits.


c) S Corporation: The S corporation offers tax advantages as it allows income and losses to be passed through directly to shareholders without additional corporate taxes. However, it has restrictions on the number and types of shareholders.


d) Company in Collective Name (SNC): A SNC involves two or more owners who share responsibility for the debts and operations of the company. Does not offer limited liability.

Sociedad en Nombre Colectivo (SNC)

2. Legal Requirements for Training:

a) Choose a Business Name: It is essential to choose a unique and available name to register the company in the desired state. A search should be performed to ensure that the name is available and does not infringe existing trademarks.

b) Obtain an EIN: The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is necessary to identify the company to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and facilitate tax filing.

c) Incorporation Document: Each type of entity has a specific incorporation document that must be submitted to the state. For an LLC, this is called an “Operating Agreement”; For a corporation, it is called “Articles of Incorporation.”

d) Registration in the State: It is necessary to register the company in the state in which business operations will be carried out. Requirements vary by state.

3. Licenses and Permits:

Depending on the type of business and location, additional licenses and permits may be needed to operate legally. These requirements vary by industry and location and may include health, environmental, construction permits, among others.

4. Tax Compliance:

Companies in the United States are subject to various tax obligations, including filing income taxes, state taxes, payroll taxes, and more. It is essential to maintain accurate accounting and meet tax deadlines to avoid penalties and fines.


Legal support is a critical aspect for company formation in the United States. Business owners should research and understand the different types of entities and the specific requirements of their industry and location. Consulting with a lawyer or business formation expert can be beneficial to ensure that all legal aspects are properly addressed and a solid foundation for business success is established. With proper legal compliance, entrepreneurs can focus on growing their company and taking advantage of all the opportunities that the US market offers.

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